Andwa Consulting's Online Event Calendar User Guide

General Info
Web Site Features and Quirks
Overnight/Automatic Processing

Event Coordination
Master Event Lists
Setting up New Events
Modifying Existing Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Completing Your Event

Officer/Admin Features
Waiver Management
Member Notations
Membership Renewals
Volunteer Admin
Send Newsletter
Upload PDF Newsletter
Member Postings
Partners/Sponsors/Banner Ads
Slide Show
Award Management
Manage Wait Lists
Manage Member Accounts


Use this information to perform Webmaster duties. You may join our User Group Forum, to take advantage of the experiences of others, and to join the discussion about new requirements and solutions.

E-Mail Addresses

  • The web site assumes that several standard e-mail addresses exist for your organization.
  • These e-mail addresses are set up on your web hosting service and can be set up as POP addresses or FORWARDERS.
  • Some of them must be in a specific format (for example, treasurer) and some of them can be redefined (for example, the default "Volunteer Coordinator" e-mail address is "boss" but that can be renamed to something else using Web Site Options).

See the Web Site Options Technical Guide for complete information about the required e-mail addresses and their configuration options.

Administering E-Mail Addresses

  • E-mail addresses are administered via the "Control Panel" (linked on the left nav).
  • Log-in with the club's ID and Password. Don't know what that is? Get it from the webmaster or President. That information will only be provided to someone who requires access to it.

Your next steps will depend on which ISP you're using:

  1. DiscountASP:
    • Click "Email Management" (left nav).
    • Add or change e-mail addresses/forwarders as required. (use the drop down menu where it says "QUICK VIEW/EDIT by EMAIL TYPE")
  2. Headway:
    • Click Settings button (at top).
    • Open Domain Settings (left nav).
    • Click "Users". Add/Modify addresses as required. Use the "Forwarding" tab as required to enter one or more addresses to send to (for multiples, separate them with semi-colons).
    • Although you can use "Aliases" instead, it is not recommended as we do not have the level of spam protection on Aliases that we have on Users.

** Be careful not to delete any of the required addresses (contact Andwa Consulting for the list of required addresses).


The web site has four levels of announcements that you can post which will appear above the calendar on the homepage:

  1. Volunteer-Only: Content and announcements only for people on the volunteer team
  2. Member-Only: Content and announcements only for logged-in members who are NOT on the volunteer team
  3. Public: Content and announcements that show up only when no one is logged-in to the web site
  4. Global: Content and announcements that should appear for everyone, regardless of whether they're logged in (if someone is logged in, this shows up beneath the Volunteer-Only or Member-Only announcements).

To edit the announcements, click "Announcements" under "Webmaster" on the left nav. Edit the announcements, using HTML to format the content.

Lookup Tables

Many of the web site data options are kept in Lookup Tables which you can update.

Click on "Lookup Tables" to see the tables that you have control over and to add/update/delete records in those lookup tables. Note that you can only delete a value from a lookup table if it does not have any other related records in the database. For example, you can only delete an "Event Type" if there are no events in the database which have that "Event Type". In that case you can only update the existing record, you cannot delete it.

Also note that if you are set up so that payment is supposed to go directly to the event coordinator(s) - "Direct" needs to be offered as a payment type.

Special Notes:

As much as possible we have tried not to build meaning into the codes but in some cases there are certain codes that are required. Please be sure that:

  1. Your Difficulty Ratings increase in multiples of 10 (they are used to indicate a "D"-rating on the calendar, but the zero is lopped off and they won't display properly if they aren't a multiple of 10)
  2. Your Difficulty Rating where people will receive a warning when they register if they haven't attended 3+ events at that level or higher is 40. This is built right into the web site, so 40 should be the rating where you want people to receive a warning.
  3. Under "Travel Options", the code 60 MUST be "Meet At Event" as there is a lot of logic set up which assumes that (for example, if a coordinator says meet at event is not allowed, the option 60 will be excluded from the choices when people register).
  4. Wherever there's a True/False field (ie. "Qualifying Event" in Event Types), note that if your web site uses an MS Access backend you should enter either True or False (no quotes) in the box, but if your web site uses SQL Server, you should enter either 'True' or 'False' (with single quotes).
  5. Note that if your event coordinators are going to be recording that they've received payments themselves directly from attendees (rather than exclusively relying on the Treasurer for payment processing), you must have two specific lookup table values set up, as follows: Payment Type: Must have a "Direct" (for direct payment) record Transaction (Txn): Must have a "CR: Event Payment" record.


The web site shares the main code base with several other clubs. Each club requires slightly different information and options, for example, what is the name of the club president which is displayed on several web pages throughout the site? What is the username of the person who should have access to the Treasurer features on the web site? What colour is the left-nav bar? Does the club use waivers or not? Which other clubs should the left nav provide links to?

All of these options are controlled through the "Web Site Options" link under "Webmaster" on the left nav. Use the "Web Site Options" pages to modify the web site options. Be VERY CAREFUL when doing so because they do affect proper web site functioning.

Club Executive and Administrator Options:

The options that change most often are the names of the individuals who hold executive or administrative positions within the club. We keep these options in this table - the name of the person is displayed in certain web pages (for example, the "How You Can Help" page).

It is possible to include multiple individuals in a single role. To do so, simply put all their names in the "Name" field, separated with commas.
For example: Name: Steph/Karen


Job TitleName Field
Communications OfficerCommunicationsName
Content ManagerContentMgrName
French LiaisonFrenchLiaisonName
Partner Data ManagerPartnerDataName
Photo HistorianPhotoHistName
Safety OfficerSafetyName
Training CoordinatorTrainingCoordName
Vice PresidentVicePresName
Volunteer CoordinatorVolunteerBossName
Legal Coordinator (Waivers)WaiversName

Carpool Calculation

There are three Options which have to do with providing a suggested carpool amount for events that have carpool:

  1. PerKmTotal
  2. PerKmGasDiv
  3. PerKmMaint

The first one, PerKmTotal, is actually involved in calculating the suggested carpool amount. The carpool amount is derived based on the total number of kms/miles entered by the coordinator multiplied by the value in PerKmTotal. For example, if an event has a round trip kms of 200, and the PerKmTotal is 0.18 (18 cents per km), the suggested carpool amount shown on the Event Details page will be $36.00 (200km times 0.18).

The other two are optional and can be used in the CarpoolDesc function in (one of the verbiage functions) to provide a description for how the amount is calculated *IF* the organization wishes to provide more detail.

For example, if the carpool amount is based on a certain amount for gas plus a certain amount for maintenance. The two "descriptive" options aren't used in the actual calculation - only the total amount is, but if the two descriptive options are meant to total to the total amount, then you must make sure the two numbers add up to properly sum to the total amount.

For example, if the maintenance amount is $0.08 and the gas amount is $0.09, then the total should be $0.17.
HOWEVER, the two descriptive options can be used differently by the organization if they choose... just update the CarpoolDesc function to properly explain what they are.

Static Content

The web site is dynamic database-driven code in places, and static content in others. Some of the static content pages are organization-specific and the Webmaster of each club may edit those pages at their discretion. The pages which may be modified by the club Webmaster without permission/input from the Web Site Owner (see below), are:

  1. bienvenue.asp (French welcome/info page)
  2. legal.asp (legal notices)
  3. links.asp (links to other web sites)
  4. /aboutus/faq.asp (frequently asked questions)
  5. /aboutus/help.asp (how you can help)
  6. /aboutus/index.asp (general information about the club)
  7. /events/difficultyratings.asp (descriptions of event difficulty ratings)
  8. /events/leaderchecklist.asp (instructions for getting started coordinating events)
  9. /events/payments.asp (how to make payments for paid events)
  10. /events/checklists/*.asp (checklists for what to bring on events)
  11. /member/index.asp (general membership info)
  12. /member/ruleswaiver.asp (rules page)
  13. /member/waiver.asp (waiver page)
  14. /member/portal/iconinfo.html (member network - what the "contact me" icon means)
  15. /member/portal/officer_process_addofficer.asp (process for adding new volunteer)
  16. /member/portal/officer_process_monthlypromo.asp (process for doing monthly promotional tasks)
  17. /member/portal/office_process_treasurer.asp (processes for the club Treasurer)
  18. /member/portal/officer_process_waivers.asp (how your volunteers should manage club waivers)
  19. /member/portal/manual/*.asp (the detailed coordinator manual for how the club works and what they can/should do as a club volunteer)

You may download/upload these pages using FTP - see the link to the FTP site on the left nav under "Webmaster". If you don't know the log-in information, get it from the webmaster or President. That information will only be provided to someone who requires access to it.


Much of the web site verbiage is customizable to the organization's requirements and policies. To view what verbiage can be modified, and what yours currently reads, look for the "Site Verbiage" link under "Webmaster" on your navigation. All verbiage is kept in a file on your web server under the "includes" folder in a sub-folder called "sitecontent". The file is called You may download, modify and re-upload this file to make changes to your verbiage, but be careful as making a mistake in this file can cause your site to malfunction.

ALWAYS take a safe backup copy before over-writing the last working version.

If your site uses an online event waiver, you will also see a file called in this folder. You may make changes to your online event waiver in this file.

Converting from Unpaid Membership to Paid Membership

If your organization was originally unpaid membership but you want to switch to paid membership, there are a few steps you will need to take to make that happen:

  1. Switch on the "Do you collect/record membership dues?" switch on the Options page under "Membership Dues / Expiry"
  2. You would then see a new table for Membership Types that you can set up
  3. We would probably have to "initialize" all of the existing accounts so that they have one of these membership types. You can use the "Data Hammer" page to do that - ask the Andwa webmaster for assistance if you have any questions with this step.
  4. Someone else will be responsible for communicating the changes, and for managing the member payments. The member payment functionality will appear on the Member Management screen after you’ve completed Step 1 above.<

Web Site Owner

The database and code of this web site are owned by Rhonda Scheurer. If you have any questions about any of it, please contact her at

Note that Rhonda is responsible for all code changes. She retains ownership of, and ultimate control over, the code of this web site. At no time will ownership of this code be transferred to another party and any re-use or distribution of this code will be considered a copyright violation.

SQL Server Database Backup

  1. Log on to your site's FTP area. Navigate to the _database folder and delete any BAK and ZIP files in there.
  2. Login to DiscountASP ( using your site's username and password.
  3. On the left nav, click "MS SQL 2005".
  4. Select the fourth tab at the top of the page - "SQL Tool Suite".
  5. Under "Create a Backup", the "ZIP" format will be selected by default. Click "Create Backup".
  6. A backup file will be created in your _database folder. Wait for the backup routine to finish - it will tell you when it's done.
  7. Go back to your FTP account (you might have to log back in). Go to the _database folder which should have the new ZIP file in it.
    Download that file onto your own computer then delete it from the FTP site.

Web Site design and development by Andwa Consulting.
Copyright © 2025 - Andwa Consulting