Andwa Consulting's Online Event Calendar User Guide

General Info
Web Site Features and Quirks
Overnight/Automatic Processing

Event Coordination
Master Event Lists
Setting up New Events
Modifying Existing Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Completing Your Event

Officer/Admin Features
Waiver Management
Member Notations
Membership Renewals
Volunteer Admin
Send Newsletter
Upload PDF Newsletter
Member Postings
Partners/Sponsors/Banner Ads
Slide Show
Award Management
Manage Wait Lists
Manage Member Accounts


There are many features on the web site to support Treasurer processes. This is one area where most organizations do things quite differently. This guide covers the features available and how to use them only - please refer to your organization's Treasurer Process for complete information about how things are done.
  1. Record Transactions: The Treasurer may record financial transactions on the web site.
    • AR: Any time a person signs up for a pre-paid event, an entry will appear in the "AR" list indicating that their payment is required. If applicable, select the appropriate "AR" item from the list to record the payment. This will ensure that the person's payment is recorded properly on the event from the coordinator's perspective, and the event shows up properly as "Paid" on the member's upcoming events. When you save a member's event payment, the web site automatically sends them an e-mail notification that their payment has been received and recorded.
    • Username: Select the member, if applicable, associated with the transaction. Note that if you're using the "AR" list, you don't have to select the username - it will be done for you.
    • Event: Select the event, if applicable, associated with the transaction. Note that if you're using the "AR" list, you don't have to select the event - it will be done for you.
    • Amount: Enter the amount of the transaction.
    • Type: Select the transaction type (sort of like a GL code) for this transaction.
    • Method: Select the currency/method of the transaction.
    • Notes: Enter any notes.
    • Click "Submit" to save the transaction.
  2. Edit Transactions: Use this screen to make changes to an existing transaction.
  3. Open/Close Event Txns: The web site tracks monies received for pre-paid events. Until the event is completed AND CLOSED, those monies are NOT released into the club kitty. They are considered to be LOCKED (and part of the total Accounts Payable). Normally when a pre-paid event is set up, the event is automatically OPENED for transactions, but if this doesn't happen and you need to record payments for an event that doesn't show up on your list, use this screen to OPEN that event. After an event is completed, and all monies paid out that are owed for the event, it is important to CLOSE the event so that any excess/extra is released into the club kitty for use in other areas.
  4. Reconcile Txns: Use this screen to check off transactions that you have reconciled using your organization's processes. Doing this has no other effect throughout the web site other than to help you track what transactions are "reconciled".
  5. Member List: Click "Complete List" under Member Reports to get the complete list of members, including the "Txn Hist" link - click this link to view a member's entire transaction history.
  6. Financial Reports:
    • Upcoming Paid Events: Quick reference for what pre-paid events are coming up. The Payment Cut-Off is highlighted blue if the cut-off passed (but the event hasn't yet), red if the cut-off is coming up in the next two days, and not highlighted if the cut-off is more than two days in the future.
    • Past Paid Events: Quick reference for what pre-paid events have passed.
    • All Txns: A list of all transactions recorded
    • Non-Ev Txns: A list of all transactions which are not associated with a specific event
    • A/R: The Accounts Receivable list - applicable only to pre-paid events. A list of outstanding member payments for events (ie. they are registered for the event but haven't yet paid)
    • A/P: The Accounts Payable list - applicable only to pre-paid events. A list of all payments received from members for any events that are not yet flagged as CLOSED.
    • Event Profits: The amount of money (plus or minus) from events that are flagged as CLOSED. Until an event is CLOSED it is not possible for the web site to determine what is extra (or under) for an event.
    • Txn Type: A summary of all transactions summarized by transaction type
    • Txn Type by Year: A summary of all transactions summarized by transaction type by year
    • Bottom Line: A summary of monies brought in, monies paid out, monies "locked" (ie. collected from members for events that are still not paid off), and available to spend.
  7. Treasurer Report: This report may be made available to your qualified members (ie. those who have attended 2+ events). It is a simple break-down of monies received and paid out, including totals of what the organization has, what it owes, and what it has available to spend.

Web Site design and development by Andwa Consulting.
Copyright © 2025 - Andwa Consulting