Andwa Consulting's Online Event Calendar User Guide

General Info
Web Site Features and Quirks
Overnight/Automatic Processing

Event Coordination
Master Event Lists
Setting up New Events
Modifying Existing Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Completing Your Event

Officer/Admin Features
Waiver Management
Member Notations
Membership Renewals
Volunteer Admin
Send Newsletter
Upload PDF Newsletter
Member Postings
Partners/Sponsors/Banner Ads
Slide Show
Award Management
Manage Wait Lists
Manage Member Accounts

Waiver Management

When an event coordinator records a waiver collected after their event, the web site records their username so we know who has the waiver, and enters the date in "Recd Date" so we know when they collected it. The following additional functionality is available for managing waivers.
  1. Membership Management: See a list of all members with their waiver status. If you file waivers for your organization, you can click "Record Waiver" here which will update the "File Date" to indicate that the waiver has been sent to the organization by the event coordinator and it has been filed in your central location. You may filter this list for ease of use as follows:
    • Show all: Show the entire member list
    • Show not recorded only: Show only members who have not submitted a waiver to the organization
    • Show not filed only: Show only members who have submitted a waiver to an event coordinator which has not yet been received by the organization for filing
  2. Outstanding Waivers: This report lists all members who have submitted a waiver to an event coordinator, but the waiver has not been received/filed by the organization. The list is sorted descending by date - the waivers at the bottom of the list have been outstanding/unfiled for the longest period. Features available here:
    • Remove Waiver (Need New One): If a waiver was misplaced or destroyed by your organization you can remove the record of the waiver. A notice will be sent to the member that they must submit a new waiver.
    • Request Waiver (Mail Coord.): If a waiver is likely still in possession of the event coordinator, you may click this link to simply e-mail the coordinator asking them to submit the waiver to the organization.
  3. Missing Waivers: A list of members who have attended events but for whom we do not have a waiver recorded.
  4. Reminder Message: On the first of every month the web site will automatically send an e-mail to the organization's "waiver filer" reminding them to check up on outstanding waivers.

Web Site design and development by Andwa Consulting.
Copyright © 2024 - Andwa Consulting