Andwa Consulting's Online Event Calendar User Guide

General Info
Web Site Features and Quirks
Overnight/Automatic Processing

Event Coordination
Master Event Lists
Setting up New Events
Modifying Existing Event
Cancelling An Event
Managing Upcoming Events
Completing Your Event

Officer/Admin Features
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Slide Show
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Slide Show

Use this information to change or add photos to the slideshow on the web site homepage.

To change the slide show, you must have FTP software, and the log in information to use the FTP site for your organization. Please contact the webmaster to get this information. Only authorized volunteers will be given this information.

The images used in the slideshow are picked up automatically by the web site from the /image/slideshow folder, and must be numbered, sequentially, starting with 1.

  1. Prepare your photos. There are two versions of the Andwa website - one with left navigation, and a small rotating photo on the top-right, and one with top navigation, and a larger rotating photo on the top-right. These instructions will vary based on which version of the Andwa website you have:
    1. Left nav, small photo:
      • Photos must be in GIF format;
      • Photos must be exactly 145x95 pixels;
      • You can have as many photos as you want.
    2. Top nav, larger photo:
      • Photos must be in JPG format;
      • Photos must have JPG extension (not JPEG);
      • Photos must be exactly 509x355 pixels;
      • You must have exactly 21 photos.
  2. Upload the photos to your /image/slideshow folder.
    Note that after you upload the photos, your browser may continue to display the old ones, or display them in the wrong order due to caching. This is a browser issue, not something you did wrong, and will straighten itself out within a day or so. If this happens, but you want to check the photos right away, you can force them to refresh by viewing each photo directly and refreshing it, thusly:
    1. Go to (swap in your site name, and change JPG to GIF, as required)
    2. The old photo will display
    3. Click your browser's "Refresh" button - the photo should refresh, and should be your correct new one
    4. Repeat for all the photos you want to force refresh
    5. Return to - the photos should now show correctly. If they don't, but you were able to see the correct ones when you forced them to refresh, don't worry... all is well... you just have to wait out your browser's caching

Web Site design and development by Andwa Consulting.
Copyright © 2025 - Andwa Consulting