Use this information to manage Partner and Sponsor data, including the Banner Ads that appear on
the top-right corner of your web site.
This area of the web site is not heavily used and has not been developed and polished to the extent that other areas of the site have.
Therefore, you'll have to learn some idiosyncracies and follow the "rules" carefully... the web site won't help you out as much as it does
in other areas.
To use this area of the web site it is important to understand the relationship between "partners", "sponsors" and "banner ads". The
most visible item on your site is probably the banner ads which are the clickable ads that appear on the top-right corner of each web page.
"Partners" and "Sponsors" are the exact same thing - the terms are used interchangeably on this web site. They refer to an entity, external
to your organization, that you wish to recognize, thank, or advertise in some capacity. Banner ads always belong to a partner... you can't
have a banner ad on the site that is not associated with a partner. The partner must be set up first and then you can set up one or more
banner ads for the partner.
External entities which are set up as your "partners" will appear on the "Partners and Sponsors" page which is accessible from your left
navigation. They also are included in the "blurb" which is suggested for a newsletter footer when your communication officer uses the web
site to send out a newsletter. It is possible to have a "partner" that appears on your "Partners and Sponsors" page that does not have any
banner ads, and it is possible to have a partner that has a banner ad but that does not appear on the "Partners and Sponsors" page.
Partner records and Banner Ad records have start and end dates. They will appear on your web site during the time of their start and
end dates and then they will no longer appear (although the data will still be there).
To have your partner appear on the "Partners and Sponsors" page without having a banner ad, simply set up the partner record and don't bother
setting up a Banner Ad. Simple. To have a Banner Ad for the partner without having them appear on the "Partners and Sponsors" page, set up
the partner record but give it an expiry date which is in the past. Set the banner ad up with the appropriate date range for the banner ad.
The banner ad will appear on the site even though its associated partner record is technically expired.